The Massachusetts State House steps during an abortion rights rally in Boston, June 18, 1979. GEORGE RIZER/Boston Globe
individuals sick of the patriarchy create NFT purity rings to donate proceeds to legalabortion.eth and ChoiceDAO
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About Us
We are a collection of 1973 purity ring NFTs to mark Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that established the constitutional protection for abortions. We’re putting a twist on purity rings. Instead of representing a vow to chastity, ours are a pledge to protect what is truly sacred: a woman’s right to choose. Our purity rings are a vow to love, empathy and freedom of choice. They band us together in a fight for reproductive rights. We believe in the right of every woman to manage her fertility, access safe abortions, while preserving her privacy. Proceeds from our NFT sale will fund initiatives that fight for these rights through providing safe reproductive services, educational programs, training, organizing, legal action, and public policy.
Take your vow to Protect Ur Reproductive Equity, and show your support of Women Terminating Freely. Mint a ring to make a stand.
Can't buy a ring? Donate directly to LegalAbortion.eth and ChoiceDAO!